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The Little Christmas Tree

A Golden Oldie 'Real Time Media Opera'

'The Little Christmas Tree' is based on the tale by Hans Christian Anderson. I wrote it during the time of my life that I spent a lot of time in Copenhagen as a singer. I was fascinated by the way of story telling of the Danish people from the ancient sagas via Hans Christian Anderson and Karen Blixen to Lars Von Trier and Peter Asmussen. These writers could never ever quite bring themselves to write a happy ending. There is always a melancholy to what they write and yet the stories once you have put yourself through them have a curiously redemptive quality to them. I read Hans Christian Anderson tales and the one about the little christmas tree really resonated with me so much I wanted to make a piece based on it.

I have always actually loved the time mid January to February. Nothing happens, it's a real low point in the year but you can feel the earth about to explode and if you look closely at the trees you can see tiny green leaf buds. This is in contrast to the live christmas trees that people dump on the pavement. Once beautifully decorated and the centre piece of christmas celebrations they are unceremoniously discarded. In 2005/6 when the piece was written also people were chucking out TV sets, flat screens were becoming cheaper and more available and it was the era where online media such as Netflix  and YouTube were becoming a thing. The old cathode ray tv sets were suffering a similar fate to the old christmas trees. Literally being tossed out onto the pavement to be picked up by scavengers like me. I saw a parallel between the fates of these two objects and the attitude to them.

My father was an engineer, the type of person who on entering a room would make the technology purr. Growing up we rarely bought anything new.All the electronics in the house were beautifully engineered 'heath robinson-esque' contraptions with their own idiosyncratic way of working. He also had started his civilian career after the army working for radio rentals repairing TV sets and helped me with the design of the TV tree. I got the tellies literally by walking through the streets of London and picking up old tellies that people had discarded, buying them up on eBay for pennies and on Gumtree. The tellies now languish in storage awaiting their next performance! It is one of the first things I wrote not for my own voice but for that of my great friend, fellow mezzo and actress Lucy Stevens.

 In my version of "The Little Christmas Tree' a giant christmas tree was constructed out of old cathode ray TVs. On the screens a story was told in film about the end of a relationship, a marriage breaking down. People discarding each other like old socks.This story was interspersed with brash happy christmas ads for new stuff, and saccharine sugary christmas songs. As the story played itself out the TVs slowly fade until the whole TV tree was finally in total darkness.

'The Little Christmas Tree' was premiered as part of the B.A.C Scratch Night series and will be redone in 2019.

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